Thursday, December 2, 2010

MOPS Scoop

Hi Ladies! 

Just a few notes from our last meeting.  We will only meet once in December on the 6th.  This meeting is an ornament exchange so please bring one wrapped ornament for $10 or less to swap.  Also, since this is our last meeting for the semester it would be nice if we each brought a breakfast item to share and enjoy. 
Our Spring Semester will start the 10th of January.  Your dues for this semester are $20.00.  Please bring your money to the first meeting.  Also, if you will not be joining us again in the spring please let us know ASAP so that we can open up spots for the ladies on our waiting list. 


Fun pictures from our Fall Consignment Sale.  Thanks for all of your help to make this a big success.  See you in the Spring!