Monday, January 9, 2012

MOPS Spring Kick-Off Meeting: Jan. 9, 2012

Welcome back everyone! We are so excited to start the new semester of MOPS! We had a wonderful first meeting of the year. Special thanks to our guest speaker, Victoria Robinson, who gave a inspirational talk about Joyful Parenting. Also, thank you Renee Graham for giving the devotion about MomSense today!

A few announcements:
1. Our Spring Consignment Sale is tentatively set for the first weekend in March. More info to come.
2. Feel free to put your name in the mug to have coffee with a Mentor Mom! You may request to talk with a specific mentor mom, or any one of them. The mentor mom will buy you coffee, bring your kids, and talk with you.
3. This Wednesday First Baptist Church starts bible studies at 9 am and 6 pm. Child care is available.
4. If you have a prayer request you may email Amanda Tompkins as she is our Prayer Coordinator.
5. Please remember MOPS Spring Registration is $20 for returning members. For new members there is also an additional $23 MOPS International registration fee.
6. Our dear coordinator Stephanie Page will be moving to Texas. Thank you Stephanie for all that you've done for our group! You have been an amazing leader. We will miss you and we will be praying for you and your family. Renee Graham will be our new coordinator.
7. Our group needs a MOPPETS coordinator and a speaker coordinator. If you are interested in filling either of these positions please speak with a steering team member.

8. MOPS Playdates:
Tuesday, January 17th: Storytime at the Sierra Vista Library at 11:00 am.
Friday, January 27th: MOPS Unplugged st the Olive Garden at 6:00 pm. Evites will be sent out.
Friday, February 3rd: Open Gym at Desert Thunder Gymnastics located at 7557 E. Thuma Rd. Open gym is at 11:00-12:15 and the cost is $8 per child.

9. Our Spring Semester MOPS Brunch Schedule is as follows:
Jan. 9th: Steering Team
Jan. 23rd: Monopoly Mamas
Feb. 13th: Scrabble Sisters
Feb. 27th: Candy Land Chicks
March 12th: Chutes and Ladders Cuties
March 26th: Life Ladies
April 9th: Monopoly Mamas
April 23rd: Scrabble Sisters
May 7th: Candy Land Chicks
May 21st: Chutes and Ladders Cuties