Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Welcome back Ladies, and to all of the new ladies…WELCOME!! I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this year. I am also excited, and a little nervous, to be your new leader.

The theme this year is “A Beautiful Mess: Embrace Your Story”.  We will be exploring the aspects of our lives that are messy and beautiful all at the same time. We will also be learning about how God’s plan for us is always perfect, no matter how crazy and messy it may be through our eyes. So buckle up ladies…it’s going to be one crazy, fun and MESSY ride.  I am praying that we will all become closer to each other and closer to the Lord by the time the year wraps up!

-Savannah P.


Attendance, Playdates and Unplugged

We will send out Evites prior to each meeting. Please respond if you are attending or not, and how many kids will be in MOPPETS. This lets us plan how many childcare workers we will need. Please sign in on the sign-in sheet before every meeting.

Playdates are scheduled twice a month, usually on the weeks we don’t meet for MOPS. Each month, different Discussion Groups will decide the type of playdate, date and time. Please respond to the Evites so we know you are coming and if plans or reservations need to be made for the number of attendees.
MOPS Unplugged is a time to get together for fun and fellowship without the kids– childcare is not provided. Please respond  on Evite to all events at least 3 days prior to the event so reservations could be made if needed.

Monthly Assignments for Playdates/MOPS Unplugged

August- Steering Team
September- Beautiful Disasters
October- Chaotic Cuties
November- Messy Mamas
December- Hot Messes
January- Cluttered Queens
February- Beautiful Disasters
March- Chaotic Cuties
April- Messy Mamas
May- Hot Mamas


Breakfast Group Assignments:

August 12- Steering Tam
August 26- Beautiful Disasters
September 9- Hot Messes
September 23- Messy Mamas
October 7th- Chaotic Cuties
October 21- Cluttered Queens
November 4- Beautiful Disasters
November 18- Hot Messes
December 2- Messy Mamas
December 16- Everyone- Christmas Party
January 13- Chaotic Cuties
January 27- Cluttered Queens
February 10- Beautiful Disasters
February 24- Hot Messes
March 10- Messy Mamas
March 24- Chaotic Cuties
April 7- Cluttered Queens
April 21- Beautiful Disasters
May 5- Hot Messes
May 19- Messy Mamas