Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MOPS Meeting November 28th, 2011

We had another enjoyable meeting! Thank you Savannah Porter for the wonderful Sugar Scrub craft! It was a lot of fun!

Here are the announcements:
  • On Tuesday, December 6th at 3:00 pm our crafty playdate will be doing the Paint Your Own Ceramics at the Fort Huachuca Arts and Crafts Center! Our set time will be at 3 pm, but you can go in anytime between 12-5 pm. The kids get to paint and the gloss their own creative piece! :) Here is the center's website: http://www.mwrhuachuca.com/arts_&_craft_center.html
  • We will have another playdate at Country Club Park at 9:30 am on Monday, December 19th. Come let the kids run around and have fun!
  • For MOPS Unplugged we will get together and make Christmas Card Holder Wreaths! The date is Thursday, December 15th at 6:30 pm at Meaghan's House. Please bring a hot glue gun if you have one and some designed wrapping paper. Hot cocoa will be provided, and bring some cookies to share! Evites will be sent out soon!
  • You are invited to attend First Baptist Church's Sharing Christmas Love Brunch this Saturday, December 3rd at 9:00 am. Please let the church know if you are attending so that care at the nursery can be provided. The ladies will be making care packages for college students and stockings for shut ins. If you'd like to donate postage for the care packages it would be greatly appreciated. :)
  • MOPS Spring Registration is now available. The cost is $20.
  • Caycee Bonbright recently had a baby! If you'd like to help out with making a meal for her please sign up on our facebook page at SV First Baptist MOPS under a post from Anna Marie. Thanks for your support!
  • TMCC MOPS group is hosting a Christmas simulcast this weekend. Please call or email Dawn at TMCC (info below) to reserve your spot! They just want to make sure they are prepared for however many people they have coming!
Here are the details:
1.“Why do we call it Christmas” from Phil Vischer who is the maker of Veggie Tales, Jelly Telly, and What’s in the Bible for kids.
2.The times it will be shown is Saturday, December 3rd, at 9:30am and Sunday, December 4th at 6pm at TMCC.
3.You choose which day to come (it’s the same showing, so don’t come both days, unless you really like it and want to buy another ticket! J ).
4.Tickets are $5.00 each and kids age 2 and under are free!
5.The simulcast is an hour and a half long, and there will be snacks.
6.http://incastevents.com/whydowecallitchristmas/ , this is the promo video, along with other information in case you need it.
7.Please pass this along to your moms, as this is not an exclusive TMCC MOPs event! We want everyone to know about it!
8.You can purchase tickets at TMCC or at the door. We are recommending getting your tickets early, and designating which day you are attending so that we can plan accordingly!
9.Please email Dawn or call at: santoro.adventure@gmail.com , 249-6000, to reserve your spot! Also call or email if you have any questions!
Here is another promo video that includes some of the simulcast. It’s for the entire family, so kids are going to love it!

  • Our Holiday MOPS meeting is on Dec. 12th- the last meeting of the year!
    • Everyone, bring your favorite Christmas dish for a potluck brunch. Please bring your recipe with it for exchange.
    • We will also have a $5 gift exchange (it doesn't have to be an ornament)
    • Wear your ugliest holiday sweater! We will have a Ugly Christmas Sweater contest. We will have all the tables vote for their ugliest, and then everyone votes from those 5 for a winner!
    • Pastor Harms will be speaking at our meeting.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

MOPS Meeting Nov. 14th, 2011

Chaplain Robinson spoke to us on the topic Becoming a Husband-Wife Team. The talk was full of wisdom and insight! Thank you Anna Marie for leading the meeting. Great job!

Here are the announcements:
1. Antiquities is this Thursday, November 17 and Friday, Nov. 18th. Thank you everyone who participated in selling tickets! Special thanks to Anna Marie for coordinating everything.

2. MOPS is taking donations of boxes of full sized Candy Canes for the Women's Ministry Sharing God's Love brunch. Bring them to the next meeting if you'd like to donate. The brunch will be on Dec. 3rd at 9-11 am at First Baptist Church. Thanks!

3. Special thanks to all the ladies who signed up to help make dinners for Hannah. Please keep her and Jessica in your prayers.
4. Our next MOPS Unplugged will be a Pizza and Game night on Nov. 16th at 6-8 pm at Helen Lai's House.  Hope you can make it! It'll be fun.
5. Our next playdate is Splashtime at the Cove at 10:00 am on Nov. 22nd. Come join us! The kids will love playing with water.
6. If you'd like to participate in Operation Christmas Child you can fill a shoebox and track it on http://www.samaritanspurse.org Thanks!